Tune: Mannheim
(\'Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us\')
Philippians 2 v.1-5
If any consolation be
In Christ, let it be shared, see
And if any comfort of love
Solace, strength of holy dove
And fellowship of the Spirit
Show to each other, \'tis fit
If any affections, mercies
If such be found, so agrees
It that we should be like-minded
In all that is done and said
So have the same love, be of one
Heart and mind in Christ the Son
Let nothing be done through striving
Nor vain glory, those not bring
To be contributed toward
Service to our humble Lord
But with lowly mid esteem so
Others better than self know
Look not only on your own things
Let unity spread its wings
Look also on things of others
Interests of brothers, sisters
Let the mind of Christ be in you
Humbly serving Him anew