
Lo and Behold!

Lo and Behold!

He watched her walk away

a hundred times before

many emphasized 

with the slamming of a door.


But then, they’d accidentally meet

and it all would begin again

the promises of love

this time, without the pain.


Yet, it always ended the same old way

him with a broken heart

hurt by what she\'d say.

Her, in a rage as she departs.


This time she said she’s leaving for good.

He fears it may be true this time.

Yet, he answers, “Understood”

and tries to tell himself, ”I know her mind.”


The door slams as she leaves with all her stuff.

He listens as she curses his name.

He hopes it’s just another bluff

but somehow he felt he was to blame.


Then Lo and Behold they meet in Spring

and just as he’d been dreading

she shows him her engagement ring

and tells him he\'s not invited to the wedding.