\"I\'m just going to die alone\" he jokes without joking
And people will say no don\'t be like that
You\'ll find someone, they\'re just around the corner
I\'ll tell him \"yeah
You will
Unless you fucking do something about it.\"
\"My job is destroying my soul\" he tells me.
Oh don\'t worry something will come up
You just have to be patient
Some might say.
Well I tell him \"Quit your job
And inject some meaning
Into your life. Don\'t live comfortably. Get comfortable being uncomfortable\"
\"I need a way out. I need something to do\"
He moans and I scream
\"Do you do anything you Idiot?
Do something, just anything\"
\"Maybe I need therapy\" he says
\"Some do\" I tell him \"but not you. You need a slap\"
But not a malicious slap
A therapeutic slap that comes from a good place.
Some people need that, some need more.
It isn\'t nice, the advice
I give him so I\'m told
But the truth is rarely a comfort
\"What can I do?\" he pleads
\"I think I\'ll learn play the guitar\"
Well that’s a start at least.
Because the world
Can always do
With another tortured artist
\"You could always write poetry\"
I say.