Amogelang Mooketsi

beneath the surface


Amidst the chaos of the world,
Where screams of laughter dance and twirl,
I search for a solace, a serene place
Where my heart can find its own true pace.

Beneath surface of my soul,
A gentle voice speaks within me,
My inner child whispers \"make me whole\"
A heartfelt plea that echoes meek
A longing to heal, to be made whole.

Beneath the surface, I search for me 
Through waves of pain, and storms of hurt
I\'m lost and alone, with no indication of a green light.
Each small step forward, a victory to claim
But shadows pull me back, a trillion million steps into the dark once again

But perhaps someday...
I\'ll find my way to a heart that\'s whole
To a home thats warm, where love resides and I\'m never alone
Where I can be myself and my heart can glow 
And maybe then, I\'ll learn to love again
And find my way in the world\'s grand plan!