Tune: Regent Square
(\'Light\'s abode, celestial Salem\')
1 Thessalonians 4 v.14-18
If we believe that Jesus died
And rose again, not denied
Even so them which also sleep* (*have died)
In Jesus, God will them keep
And bring with Jesus when He comes
We which are alive and remain
\'Til the Lord does come again
We shall not precede them who died
But the Lord He shall provide
That He shall descend from heaven
With shout, archangel\'s voice then
To take His saved people home
And the trumpet of God shall sound
The dead in Christ shall be found
In Him, and then they shall rise first
In that glorious victory burst
Then we which are alive, remain
Shall meet loved ones once again
For we shall be caught up in clouds
With them, God\'s presence enshrouds
And shall meet the Lord in the air
And His blessings ever share
We shall be with Him for ever
Comfort that ceases never