Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Today I rejoice
with the host of heavens 
on my home going,
My heart at peace therein;
But I will tell my tales:

I dressed for Mass, 
On my way to the holies of holies, 
Suddenly there was a blockage, 
Un-gun known men halted me 
with rifles, their faces masked.

Like a tout, they pushed me out, 
Darkness visited my eyes,
We journeyed to God knows where, 
Their language sounds strange, 
But not far from the map of Nigeria. 

On my casouk, 
I kept muttering some prayers
\"Lord let thy will be done\" 
Within, my soul was at peace, 
Then suddenly, a voice thundered. 

\"Stop there! 
Wanan bawa Allah, 
Mai za mu yi da shi?\"
One of them untied my face, 
I saw living demons. 

My eyes glued to their faces, 
Suddenly I asked:
\"Why are you doing this?\" 
One thundered a slap to my face, 
I found myself hugging the ground. 

Within me, I prayed for them 
\"Father forgive them, 
For they know not, what they do\" 
My words seem to have 
Filtered from ear to ear. 

Suddenly a crying rifle 
saluted my soul, 
I watched them laugh satanically, 
With my knee kissing the dust,
Shortly, I journeyed to the other side.

He said:
\"I will come like a thief\"
I\'m not surprised, 
Today, I have paid my dues, 
Tomorrow, who is next? 

The church must arise!
For her faith is threatened, 
The Moon wrestles with the Cross, 
Today, a priest of Auchi Diocese
Chineke napu Ekwensu ike.