Dev Parth

Why Women Weren’t Safe

In the annals of time, where shadows reside,
Women’s voices were lost, their fears pushed aside,
In a world built by hands that seldom did care,
They walked through the darkness, alone in despair.

Bound by the chains of a patriarch\'s reign,
Their dreams turned to whispers, their hopes met with pain,
Where laws were but words that seldom held true,
And safety was a promise for only a few.

The streets echoed warnings, a silence of dread,
As they walked with their fears, a storm in their head,
No walls could protect them, no law could defend,
In a world that denied them the right to amend.

Customs and norms, like shackles, would bind,
Leaving their safety to fate\'s fickle mind,
In homes and in fields, in cities and lands,
They were left to their fate, to unseen hands.

But why were they not safe, in a world so wide?
Why was their freedom so often denied?
For power and greed, for control and for gain,
Their safety was traded, their cries met with disdain.

Yet from these dark times, a light starts to grow,
As voices once silent now rise to bestow,
The truth of their plight, the strength of their will,
For safety isn’t granted, it’s fought for still.

Today, we remember the struggles they faced,
And vow to ensure their rights are embraced,
For every woman deserves to walk free,
In a world where safety is a certainty.