Cheeky Missy

I\'m Torn Betwixt What, Eh?



Sweet rainy dawn foresworn by early scents

Of Autumn! How the fox comes when, t\'avail

I get to werk, caught by surprise, th\'all hail

Frae me what settles his confusion thence

(Who thought to say \"Hello\" where strangers fence

His way and I\'m indoors); the silver tale

Of hours yield romance, \'til I\'m caught, in frail

Excuse, off guard by erst \'loved joys\' dear sense.

Leaves \'gin to sport soft yellow grey as t\'were

Sets off to grand effect, as how Fall\'d cue

Despite the lies tis Summer still and poor

In that dear face of Autumn. What shall I do?

My niche, my cherished season woos, astir

On ev\'ry side! Oh LORD, save me, won\'t You?
