
An Ode to Sunday



Waking to the sound of the birds

outside the window

sun peeping up from her bed

moon lowering her head

for some time off from her stage

and I?

rising up from sweet slumberbash

coffee on the boil 

my Moka bubbling away

telling me, it\'s ready to pour

into my bright blue oversized mug

waking me for the day ahead 

stretching up, feeling my freedom  

nowhere to go, no one to see

my only questions are to myself 

maybe a roast? 

with Yorkshire puddings? 

I\'ll read the paper, and then I’ll decide

no rush, the day has just begun 

so for now my choices 

a stroll perhaps? 

or a laze on my garden lounger 

just watching nature 

watching the cypress green and noble

standing still in the frozen breeze

like a painting on the Tuscan landscape

nature that\'s so unpredictable 

anything can happen

It\'s Sunday, a day of rest 

a day where I can relax 

maybe, just maybe

I\'ll even paint one of those trees, onto canvas?

after all, this is

an ode to Sunday.