
Early Morning Thoughts

Pondering in the early hours, when the roads are quiet or only whisper,
the women I\'ve known walk across the stages in my mind. Some stayed, some exited, stage left. 
Mother, she\'s always the first love, kind of, then independence rears its ugly face. You run away then back accepting peace. Usually, your first love involved. Mom may not like her. That\'s what you think.
The first might be forever and ever amen or not.
Then there are the hours of shared bumping and grinding. You love \'em and leave \'em or they love you and leave you. Both of you foolish for only wanting fun and overlooking what you\'ve done.
Then you learn, always treat others with respect whether the \"girl next door\" or what some may call a \"slut,\" they aren\'t you know. No does mean no. It\'s only okay when yes means yes. A man who doesn\'t know this is a fool. The road is roaring with the metal horses roaring by. I need to kiss the lady in the next room goodbye. I do love her.
I\'ll take my coffee with me. I hope she\'ll be here when I return.