
Berry love

I was counting not long ago

but I think I must have stopped


the kisses you leave me are numberless

they float between lip and lip

and without the numbers in my head

Time numbs too

in this pink air so full of Love

pink and blue and scarlet

crimson, it smells of Passion

tastes like berries

and you drag me back to Summer

when i was a Girl

in my stretched shirt

I feel sand between my legs but I can\'t take it out

because my hands hold an ice cream

and the ice cream is melting

in this heat that makes me sweat

and my sweat is like the ice cream

drip dripping

like the tap of our bathtub

that you lifted me from

between sighs

still I drip dripped

but now I have lost count of all the drops

and drown in your berry breath.