
All Was Well Once More.


They seemed to be out yesterday,

Those people on the road that were after me.

The lorry that pulled out on the roundabout,

Pulled out in front of me,

Couldn’t argue with him.

The jam at the roundabout

Blocking it completely,

Delaying us getting to our coffee shop.

Coming out of the car park

Three cars pulled out in front of us.

Eventually got home

And in the afternoon I got my revenge,

I hit those croquet balls hard,

Hit them so hard and won my games.

And then calmness was there

As we went into the clubhouse,

Sat down talking to all,

As we drank our tea

And ate our cake.

A good day at the end,

At the end of the day,

The day that started so badly,

Now all was well once more