
Long Distance

while rummaging in my 

dressing table top drawer 

for my mother’s blue-grey 

long drop earrings 

i found you 

framed in gold 


at thirty one 

looking so damn handsome 

one of your father’s better 

photographic efforts 

he captured that hungry look 

in your hazel eyes 

that melted mine 

on our first meeting 


your black hair curled slightly 

clinging closely

where your shirt collar caressed 

the nape of the neck i kissed 

the neck and lips 

i couldn’t resist 


you were wearing the sweater 

i knitted for you 

every stitch worked lovingly 

on steel needles 

in four ply 

patterned in complex cable 

in shades of Cumbrian forest 

fine pine trees 

foreboding and dark 


and how I pined for you 

all those long months and nights 

that distance kept us apart 

when only the phone 

reached home