Mason Vollman

For When Things Get Hard

Life can be hard,

Life can be hell,
There\'s no reason to live,
Because you\'ve already fell,
Sometimes you\'ll feel far,
Sometimes confusion swells,
Sometimes you wish it were over,
Because there\'s no peaceful place to dwell,
Sometimes you may feel, life ain\'t worth living,
Like there nothing to live for,
Or nothing more to be given,
Things to live for are limited,
But the biggest is infinite,
God and His plans,
His glory inside of it.
He died for us so we may live,
He died for us to forgive us our sins,
When you feel like there\'s nothing more to live for,
Live for God.
Love for His Love.
Grow closer in Faith.
He\'s waiting above.
He sees your pain,
It\'s not in vain,
He loves you unshatterably,
Let\'s praise His name!
He has plans for you,
Trust and obey,
We all make mistakes,
He loves you the same,
No ones perfect,
But why not try?
Let\'s bow our heads,
And pray for purity and peace,
Because for us he died,
The story won\'t cease.
He\'s there for you,
And He\'s there for me,
I know this is true,
Because through Him we may see!
Please Remember:
Live for God,
Live for Love,
Live for me,
I know He\'s above,
Live your life,
Backstab all trife,
He loves you now,
And He loves you non-stop,
There\'s so much to live for,
Because there is God!