
The way it is

The war was hard

It destroyed it all

The few left in the world live on

Mostly Scavengers, hunters, or thieves 

Just trying to survive And rebuild 


As I wonder I stop and write

On notebooks or scraps of paper I find

Little notes, poems, or jokes


Those that remember life before the war

Travel from town to town

Spinning tales for those to hear

Though few we are

Some of us still remember 


Happy days

Groovy days

Before the collapse of it all

The economic downfall

Then the war

Every state for themselves

Then invading nations attack 

An already torn country 


Do we stop our fighting

To rally against a foreign foe

Not at all

So Each state was attacking ever other state

As well as the foreign invaders 


The fighting

The invading foreigners 

The economic downfall 

It all piled up

And destroyed everything 



Old life gone

Trying to hang on

As we adapt to the way it is