
A Walk On The Moors.

As I walk upon the moor at dawn

The shadows appear ,

Creating images of long dark hills

Throughout the vale;

Touching the water of the river

With gentle, caressing fingers

Of grey love.

The sun getting higher,

The shadows start to recede;

And the water sparkles

In the new day.


As I walk up a mist appears,

The sun warming the dew

Creates this steamy world

For so very few moments;

Until clarity is restored,

And the world of green

Can be seen all around.

The white dots of sheep

Safely grazing all over

This verdant sea of grass.


The silence is broken

By the plaintiff call of curlew,

A sound of such sorrow,

Creating such sad emotions

Within this beautiful vista.


On I go towards the top,

Watching the fleece like clouds

Slowly sailing through the sky.

Such peace and tranquillity

So glorious, seemingly there,

For my absolute enjoyment.


I feel so blessed that this world

Can be so wonderful to view,

All other thoughts are banished,

So that the peace of the world

Is with me.