Leni Marlina

Do Not Entice Us with Your World

Do Not Entice Us with Your World

By: Leni Marlina

We see you, entranced and wide-eyed,  
Chasing the world’s sweet allure,  
Its dazzling glitter blinds you,  
As you flutter like a lost bee.

You beckon us to follow,  
To taste what you deem sweet beyond measure,  
Yet we know behind the sugar’s charm,  
Lies a snare that waits in silence, cruel and stark.

We will not chase your shimmering mirage,  
We choose the flower that grows close by,  
Loyal and content, offering serenity’s grace,  
In its quiet, we find enough.

You seek and never find peace,  
Traversing endless roads,  
While we remain here,  
Savoring each moment of simple joy.

Do not tempt us with your world,  
Do not coax us into greed,  
We need no more than what the divine provides,  
We are content and grateful for what we hold,  
And we will soar unburdened, free from avarice’s weight.

Padang, Indonesia, 2024




This poem is translated and rewritten by Leni Marlina from her own poem originally written in Indonesian language entitled  \"Jangan Kau Rayu Kami dengan Duniamu\"

Leni Marlina is a lecturer at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia. She is the Founder and Head of some communities such as World Children\'s Literature Community (WCLC); Starmoonsun Edupreneur Community Indonesia (Starcom Indonesia); English Children\'s Literature Smart Course (ECSC).