
Good Shopping.

Now that’s what I call shopping!

Into the car I got at ten passed one,

Down the road I drove

Into the car park of the shop,

Very near the entrance.

Into the shop I went,

The shop assistant greeted me.

I showed him a picture,

A picture of what I wanted,

He said yes we have that,

He got a case of it

While I picked up a case,

A case of another I wanted.

We went to the till,

He had my details

As I had been there many times.

I paid for the two cases,

He took them out to my car,

I thanked him.

I drove home

And was back indoors,

Back indoors by half passed one.

As I was putting the wine in its place,

The Piersporter in the ‘fridge,

And the Rioja in the wine stand

I thought about it and realised,

Now that is what I call shopping.