Prasun Goswami

The Ashes of Enlightenment

Now dusk has fallen. All day you\'ve burned books
In campus squares
August rains cease in the forest of ignorance
Your fists grow weary too
It\'s not unjust - take leave
Let\'s venture abroad
What words were left unsaid, this year let them be told.

How sluggish the clouds of intolerance!
Fever grips your entire being
What words were left unsaid, this year let them be told.

Now dusk has fallen, day\'s fervor subsides
Silently I lay my head, collapsing on your chest
Young leaves, green trumpet flowers
The world\'s mistakes endure
Can we purify them now in this twilight hour?

You once loved all knowledge
Separation\'s famous sensation
A tiny measure
Memory\'s hum - or is it a song
That floods my entire being?
All day you\'ve burned books
In campus squares
August rains cease in the forest of ignorance
Yet you\'re not crimson with pain
My whole self was mistaken
One by one we\'ve bent with exhaustion. All watch with scorn.