
Woof, Woof!

It\'s Fido here

My talking and reading dog!


Now he\'s not barking cos of any poets

Forgetting to mark certain poems 18+

But he is barking to draw your attention

To my pic once again


He says - Nnooooooo, they\'re not giant hamsters

Nor rats, nor mice, nor even elephants!

They are guinea pigs, don\'t ya know

Though I admit they may look

A bit like hamsters

But they\'re too big to be hamsters!


They\'ll squeak when they\'re hungry

They\'ll be your friends

They won\'t be demanding

But lead simple lives

But don\'t give them lettuce - 

Carrots, muesli, dandelion leaves, fruit, etc - yes!


If you insist they\'re hamsters

Then they\'re giant ones

And will give ya nightmares! heehee

Here\'s some for ya in the video

So you\'ll recognise them