Dev Parth

In Dev\'s Light

In the stillness of the morning\'s grace,  

I rise with dreams I long to chase.  

With pen in hand and heart so bright,  

I craft my world, my inner light.


A poet\'s soul within me sings,  

In every line, my spirit springs.  

Each verse I write, each word I weave,  

Is a glimpse of what I believe.


On the court, where passion flows,  

I find my strength where challenge grows.  

The game’s a mirror, reflecting me,  

In every play, my destiny.


Through history\'s pages, tales unfold,  

Of courage fierce and hearts so bold.  

In every story, a part of me,  

A journey shared, a legacy.


I am Dev, with dreams in flight,  

In every verse, I find my might.  

Through poetry and play, I strive,  

To capture life and feel alive.