Thad Wilk

``~ Guess Who!

Guess who winter, it\'s Spring my dear!

My friend I am early this year.

There\'s something I must let you know,

You\'re finished here it\'s time you go.

Take with you those gray skies and snow!


Winter all that I have to say,

\'begone\'s\' the order of the day.

Just go and visit your friend Fall.

The two of you could have a ball.

Leave here right now once and for all.


Your time is up your through my friend.

I\'m Spring and I am back again.

I\'m here now and for what it\'s worth.

My Spring showers shall dampen earth.

And once again I\'ll bring rebirth.


For two of us there is no room,

it\'s time the trees and flowers bloom.

I\'ll bring the sunshine and blue skies,

the buzzing bees and butterflies.

So many treats to please the eyes.


Guess who; you\'re in for a surprise,

today Winter it\'s your demise~ 

