Dan Williams

Until it Wasn\'t

Curious belief in such obvious charades

is all too common; much too widespread.

Collected vagaries powering vicious fictions;

along this path the sheep are misled.

So easily cowed by gloves over fists

fed soggy celery mistruths and deceptive legumes,

wait patiently in line to be ham fistedly sheared;

leading tiny lives in their miniscule rooms.

Corruption as tactile as stucco on cement,

government lackeys drink from their plastic chalices.

Appliances of justice show the scratches and dents

from neglect and poor maintenance practices.

Thinkers raising their hands, offering up answers

are shouted down as open mindedness mustn’t

even be granted an ear, or a voice, or soapbox;

fair-minded dissent was allowed until it wasn’t.

The sheep mob together, competing for food,

grateful for the scraps of liberty granted

by would be tyrants, elected dictators, congressional fools

forgetting what it was that they originally wanted.