Tom Dylan

Definitely, maybe not

For me Oasis were the band,

they were from my city,

and my decade,

like the punk bands of the 1970s,

they reminded us that

we could do something

that mattered.


And now, in August 2024,

so many years later,

a life-time some might say,

the warring brothers

made their peace,

to the delight of music fans.


There would be the inevitable scramble

for tickets, as those who were there

back in the day, and who were not born,

competed for a chance to see the band.


Having seen the band live decades ago

in what was arguably their prime

and mine,

I would not be partaking

would not be joining in the melee,


For me the band will always be

twenty-something scallies,

hope and hatred in their glare,

that tambourine jangle

as dangerous as a rattle snake.

In my memory,

those rock n roll stars

will live forever.