Dan Williams

The Former U.S.A.

They bring empty promises and well-rehearsed lies,

delivered with a smile, mimic an understanding nod,

pleading ignorance while remaining disguised,

without carrot or stick, wielding an unsparing rod.

Rampant deception that pacifies the sheep

spews from edifices of corruption on foundations of sand.

Visions of founders found too inconvenient to keep,

forgotten in the now quieted fife and drum band.

Ideals for honest folk to live by, so carefully written

discarded by revisionists with ambitions of power.

Worshiping idols who by the greed god have been bitten,

dismantling white houses day by day, hour by hour.

While the sheep graze contentedly, willingly unaware

of how easily and completely their minds have been fooled,

mollified by propaganda till they no longer care

that it is by these criminals they will end up being ruled.

Once this quagmire of new slavery is fully imposed,

by the times the sheep have figured out how,

by the time their treachery is finally exposed,

we are left asking too late “Who will help us now?”