Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Kakakaka! 🔥🔥🔥
Kikikiki!!   🔥🔥🔥
Rifes scream, splashing seeds 
Here and there, 
Ga suna! Ga suna!! 
Amfara! Amfara!!

Trousers and skirts 
Take to their heels
Legs running helter scatter
The streets confused. 

A child lies half dead
On a street,
Victim of flying bullets, 
Unconsciously begging for help.

People soon gathered
Heads nod in pity,
Hands akimbo;
Hugging each other
in shock.

None could help,
Some trying to identify
Tribe and religion,
Phones snapping
The gory scenes. 

None a good Samaritan, 
In their watchful eyes
the child gave up, 
Some shedding crocodile tears,
We have lost our consciences.

Siren pulled over,
Men on blue came out, 
Carried the cadaver
to the hospital.

Humans have ceased to be humane, 
Who did this to us?
These viruses will consume us:
Religion, tribe, ethnicity...
We are the architects
of our woes.