
Can you tell?

Can you tell that I cried ?

Mourning your lost time 

Realizing what you have been through 

All your childhood was cruel


Can you get out of your castle?

The king should declare the right 

The palace should be for the night 

In the morning you fight 


Can you tell that I smiled? 

When you opened up your inside 

Like the sea you had your secrets 

You buried them and sealed them


Can you tell how much I love you ?

You are the best in your show

The views are pretty low

Yet you shine like a pro


Can you tell I search you face ?

In every family gathering you are hidden

You are silenced for a reason 

They damage your inner, causing you fever


Can you tell we make the best team?

When you ask about my day 

Time stops and we ramble 

You make the best brother 


Can you tell they are to blame?

They are the disgrace of the world

Don\'t disappear into the big crowds

You have been a diamond then and now