

I want a wife who understands my needs,
A partner who supports and never misleads.
Someone who listens and offers advice,
A companion who\'s loving, loyal, and nice.

I want a wife who shares my dreams,
Who believes in me and my wildest schemes.
A confidant who\'s always by my side,
Through the highs and lows, together we\'ll ride.

I want a wife who\'s strong and independent,
With a spirit that\'s fierce and transcendent.
Someone who challenges me to be my best,
And helps me face any daunting test.

I want a wife who\'s caring and kind,
With a heart that\'s gentle and a soul refined.
A lover who ignites passion and fire,
Our love burning bright, never to tire.

But most of all, I want a wife who\'s true,
A partner in life, my love ever anew.
Together we\'ll create a beautiful life,
Filled with joy, laughter, and absence of strife.