Thad Wilk

~> I Am A Troll!

Hey, does not my face ring a bell?

I am a Troll dude can\'t you tell.

Would you care if I stayed a spell?

Just try guy to ignore the smell!


Yeah I am mad so excuse me.

Got no shoes, that\'s why I\'m angry.

They stopped making size thirty-three.

Dang shoe makers are so cheesy!


Lately I ain\'t feeling so great.

I ain\'t been myself as of late.

Some \"KID\" threw me over your gate?

That\'s partly why I\'m so Irate.


Seems some folk get scared by my face.

I\'ve lost faith in the human race.

So that\'s why I need a new place.

I\'m living out of a suitcase!


I won\'t take up much room at all.

Us troll\'s only grow two feet tall.

I would be no bother y\'all.

I don\'t think so, in the long haul?


A safer life I long to lead,

a place like this would fill my need.

I\'d be a help to you indeed.

I promise I won\'t smoke no weed!


I do not live in caves no more.

My new life\'s better than before.

I\'ve been writing poems by the score.

\"MY POETIC SIDE\", I so adore~

