I know nothing but still I can see
Everything and everyone may not be who they be
I suspected this was true then an ad gave me a view
An imaginary life projected to the masses
Don\'t be absurd it just a few clicks and dashes
I think I see why and still find it sad
To be lifted by something that you never had
Their on the stage showing their wears
Out to impress the no ones that care
Contentment in life in the surreal
It\'s a bit kooky I get the feel.
Who am I
I don\'t know
I know I am a little slow
Slipping up
Here and there
Given a conscience
Knowing I care
How could I get it right
Internal battles
I must fight
It might be trivial
I don\'t know
Am I fooling myself
Is it all just a show
I\'d be a coward to throw in the towel
If I create my own burdens
I weep and howl
Do I stuff up
Is all the hurting
Really a bluff
Are my intentions as they seem
Like hidden emotions only a dream
It\'s illusive to wonder how this can be
Who I am
Hatred and glee.