Tom Dylan

Everything\'s Alright

There’s a phrase from a song or musical

that comes to my mind

when I’m stressed and worried,

Everything’s alright,

everything’s fine.


When life threatens to get on top,

when things are getting me down

I find myself repeating this mantra

Everything’s alright,

everything’s fine.


I cannot recall which musical film

gave to me the words that I repeat

over and over to ease my mind,

as time went by the words became mine,

Everything’s alright,

everything’s fine.


When work stress gets to me,

or the queue seems to last forever,

when life seems to be a battle I can’t win,

the words appear, clear through the fog,

Everything’s alright,

everything’s fine.


I stress about writing this poem,

does everything have to rhyme?

I take a deep breath as the words come to me,

Everything’s alright, yes,

everything’s fine.