
All Alone

All Alone


All alone again

in a night full of rain

with snow on the ground 

that’s washing away.

Things will change, they say

when morning is sunrise-bound

but I’ll still be alone

with nothing and no one

except your voice, in every sound.


Our place is now a darkened hole

full of blackness and remembered vitriol.

Since you left I have been alone.

I struggle going to work each day

and come home to waste the time away. 

I sit with my phone and pics of you 

knowing I must face reality soon.

I listen to music but you’re in every tune.

I try to read, but every page is an outline of you.

Me and you are gone forever, I can’t believe it’s true.


We started out so very much in love

Finding beauty in everything

and hope in the stars above.

But then you changed, became remorseful.

You would cry a lot over silly things

and your arguments were always forceful.

I never sensed it would lead to this.

Never knew how much I would miss your kiss.

One day in late September, you told me to sit.

Then explained you’d be leaving soon

how the doctor had found something back in June.

“Untreatable,” he said and you couldn’t believe it

Yet, he said you’d be lucky to see December.

You’re gone now, but I will always remember….You.