Tristan Robert Lange

The Tempest\'s Strike

The storm is brewing,
Rolling in on the sun.
Birds soar high
In the ominous sky,
The air thick
With dark forebodings.
Rancor streams briskly
In the acrid wind,
The stench of cruel spite
Lingers on in perpetuity
Within abyssal mouths
Salivating with pride.
Then the hot flash,
The strobing lightning
Strikes with precision.
Hitting the innocent
With searing electrocution—
Pain causes the writhing.
Hesitation dictates
The imminent response.
The storm rips through
The village of acrimony
With disastrous disdain.
It will have its way.
The storm rolls through...
This day.
2024 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.