Cheeky Missy

On Hump Day Where Pink Signifies What?

I \'gan to hear Thy answer, LORD, and hence
Would see nor still be blind. Where that detail 
Of vision is, don\'t let me stagger: bail
Me out and give me sight, no more pretense.
Twas Saturday we got that wealth which thence
Is well-nigh done: frae smoothie base t\'avail,
To salad, whilst these crazy hours derail
My schedule til, head spinning, where is sense?
The Scriptures tell me what is, and bestir 
Aught vision of lo, yonder; dreams undo
With folly where I\'d rather know. In poor
Reply, wherefore am I \'non tempted to
Go back? Let me see far off, LORD. In Your
Light we see light, for all we wait for You. 