Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Life is scary, 
Life and death
loom the streets, 
Strangers we are,
To this wicked world.

Your demise
shocked many hearts, 
Eyes wail in tears,
Why so soon?

On your way
To Fuwukari, 
For statement
of result,
Agent of death visited.

Where many travel unprepared
You survived,
At the hospital
the narrative changed.

What a colossal loss!
I\'m deeply pained
As you popularly call me,
This world no balance.

Why so soon? 
Your family in ashes 
Is it a natural home call 
Or a man made home call? 
Onwu, why? 

What can we say? 
Our hearts bleed, 
Your memories
will live forever,
Good night Tonia.