Nicole Pritchard

Mere chance

I never knew......

How important you would be in my world

We met by mere chance

Like we were supposed to meet 

I wasn\'t looking for anything 

Til you showed up at my door 

Just to see how I was doing 

My life started to change that day 

By you taking a mere chance

You helped me find myself

Everything about you 

Made me feel completely comfortable 

Which I never thought could happen 

Yet, it it did 

All because of you 

When this shy guy 

Showed up at my door 

Everything changed for me

If I only knew

what I know now 

I would\'ve found you sooner 

You brought this broken girl 

Out to the land of living again 

Just by giving a caring smile 

That told me I would be safe

You\'d protect my heart

That I locked away from the world 

Just to keep myself safe

You brought back my smile 

A real smile

One I didn\'t have to fake 

I will never change 

How we first met 

It was magical 

It\'s nothing that I would\'ve expected

Now everyday feels like that 

When I\'m with you

Now that I know

We were supposed to meet 

For everything to change 

Now that smile 

Will never disappear

All because of a mere chance 

You became a part of me 

Thank you 

For taking that chance on me