
An Ideal World

In my ideal world

We’d all be happy

And respect the core values of life

Never have to face pain or strife


In my idea world

We’d all be equal

No people fighting for fame

With no crimes and no one trying to blame


In my ideal world

We’d have much to explore

Instead of boring school and work

There’ll be small chances to go berserk


In my ideal world

There will be opportunities for all

People can get along

And never do anything wrong


In my ideal world

Bad things wouldn’t exist

Not like killing worms or spiders

But getting rid of knives and snipers


In my ideal world

Fun would be everywhere

Happiness and joy would spread

And you’d feel so alive, not dead


In my ideal world

Depression wouldn’t exist

Perhaps there wouldn’t need to be doctors

And there wouldn’t be ghost stories and monsters


In my ideal world

We’re treated the same

No one to fight

No reason to take flight


But in my ideal world

If I were being so truthful, honest

And so pleasantly fair

Then I wouldn’t be there