


We put them on pedestals too high for  

our hands to reach, our eyes to see. We  

clutch the glossy images of Labron, arms  

outstretched, dunking dreams, his sweat falls  

like rain washing away our doubt. But is  

it enough to teach us to rise, beyond  

the roar of crowds, the glitter of fame?  


And then Snoop, smooth like silk, sliding  

through beats, his voice a lullaby, soothing  

the ache in our bones. But where’s the  

lesson in smoke-filled rooms? Where is  

the strength to stand when life is rough,  

not rhyming, just raw? We need heroes  


that pull us up from inside, heroes  

who show us how to stitch our hearts  

back together when they break, to keep  

walking when the road is long. We need  

more than courts and stages, more than  

rhymes. We need hope that holds us.  


Give us heroes who teach us to heal,  

to love ourselves when the world won’t  

love us back. Give us fellowship, give us  

perseverance. Give us hands that lift,  

words that build, and dreams that stay  

alive long after the lights go out.