
My Ex Calling

In the quiet of my evening, love’s old song plays clear,
Your name flashes on my screen, a ghost I hold so near.
Once, your voice was melody, the rhythm of my days,
Now it’s but an echo in the corridors of haze.

The words we spun together, like threads of golden light,
Wove a tapestry of dreams that danced into the night.
But time has torn those fibers, and shadows now they cast,
A distant past that lingers, but fades into the vast.

Your call is like a whisper from a chapter long closed,
A fleeting glimpse of something that we both thought we’d chose.
I hear the ache of memories in every word you say,
Yet in the heart of silence, I find a new pathway.

Love’s fire once burned bright, but now the flames are low,
The ashes of our passion are all that I now know.
So though your call is tempting, a siren’s soft appeal,
I’ll let the past remain where the wounds no longer heal.

For love is not a promise that time can just erase,
It’s a living, breathing story that we each must face.
And though your voice may beckon from a place we left behind,
I’m moving to a future where new dreams I’ll find.