Eugene S.

Interlinear Goliardic Rant I

O Fortuna
velut luna
statu variabilis

There are those who dwell above
There are those who dwell below
There are those who sit on thrones and reign in hells we cannot know
Some do know what greed can be when they see the spending spree,
and the greedy gritting teeth clenching hard the temple\'s keys

semper crescis
aut decrescis;
vita detestabilis

Who can know when tide is high
That your faith could surely die
At the hands of those who steal your most precious daily meal
They just seethe in jealousy; other\'s meals, they think they need
Blooded steel they will unsheath, giving gilted ministries

nunc obdurat
et tunc curat
ludo mentis aciem,

And verily you must know
That the lowly remain low
When the knights that reign supreme take this world in infamy
All your morals can\'t be right before the valiant righteous knight
And to flee just proves him right, and leaves you in horrid blight


egestatem, potestatem,
dissolvit ut

For the lowly cannot rule
Amongst crowns made up of fools
As they no longer see their oppressive futilities
In their hands, they\'ll hold it tight - hold and hold with all their might
Till fire\'s vengeance comes to sight; breaks hold of winter\'s bite