
forever fighting

On our borders are the soldiers

Fighting to protect our land

In the country are the doctors

Less praised, yet most noble band


Forever fighting day and night

When Covid tried to show its might

They slogged for us, so we could rest

To keep us safe, they did their best


Their own homes – although they care

They leave to Fate, to do their share

While in their homes, their kids do cry

To help the needy, they do try


Suffocating in their PPE kits

They learnt to cope, and keep their wits

Managing to keep their health secure

While the labs worked to find a cure


Let us salute, and cheer them on

Now that the pandemic’s almost gone

Let’s always lend a helping hand

To this selfless, courageous band


Keeping all diseases at bay

Is their motto – come what may

So till they walk on their chosen tracks

We all are safe, and can relax


My sincere and most humble thanks

To all who join these noble ranks

Because of you, we all agree

The world is safe, and we are free.