
Psalm Praise

Tune: Christchurch

(\'Now is eternal life\')

Psalm 145 v.14-20


The Lord He does uphold

Those that fall, does enfold

Them, and too up raises

Those bowed down, so praises

To Him for His help, sustenance

For we through troubles may Him sense


The eyes of all do look

Wait on Him, not forsook

Are they, and He does give

To all food, so we live

He opens His hand, satisfies

Desire of all things, no denies


The Lord He is righteous

In all His ways to us

In all His works holy

And with wisdom they be

The Lord is nigh to all who call

On Him in truth, shall hear them all


He will desire fulfil

Of those that fear Him still

With godly awe, and He

Will hear their prayers, so be

And He will save, preserve those who

Love Him, He will surely so do