

People say we have a purpose

And they ask me what the meaning of life is

But I’m not sure, I don’t want to make a fuss

And I tell them that I don’t know this


Now I’m here, trying to find

All the answers and meanings behind

My living status, I can’t understand

Was it my purpose to follow or command


But I still think I’m here for a reason

I honestly don’t really know at all

Hopefully not to cause panic and treason

But to help pick up those who fall


Or maybe I’m a weirdo like I am right now

One who abuses others somehow

Is that how this was meant to be

Otherwise that’s such a calamity


I can just hope I’m supposed to be

Someone nice, kind, gentle and caring

But I still don’t know if that’s really me

Maybe I am supposed to be fun and daring


Maybe I just need someone to show the direction

Since my life is a mess and I could just need affection

I know sometimes people want attention

But I just don’t want to end up in detention


I know that’s really stupid and dumb

But I don’t know what else I should try to do

I should just be good for my mum

And not be idiotic, depressed and blue


I need to make sure that others around me

Are happy, content and hopefully

I need to have found my deeper meaning in life

For it’s probably my purpose that caused my strife