
Truth is not so Scary

The book pages are bare, saying nothing, and everything dark

Lurks like a demon staring at you behind a mirror

Invisible but there watching and waiting

If you fill the pages, it shows you care, and hurts to the touch

If you use your imagination and reflect

You cannot easily forget

You cannot make excuses once its on the pages

Getting words out takes strength

And Courage

And Vulnerability

And Honesty

And Scary truths

From your shadow self

And Happy truths

From your light

There\'s more light than you realize

If you write it, you have to acknowledge it

Whatever *it* is

What if someone sees you for you?

And judges you good or bad or crazy or sad?

It’s easy to hide behind empty pages but

Courage writes from your hands and releases the demons on the pages

Write that shit, say your piece, get it out and set yourself free

The truth doesn’t have to be scary

The truth just is