How long does failure remain, staring in one’s face, reminding?
Yet, denying where your mysterious redemption comes from?
Where does one get to appeal life\'s jury’s awkward finding?
When can one turn and finally know what it is one runs from?
Where is this Atonement, so expensive, to be bought?
Or is it, for the ungreedy, only need to be relearned,
then again forgotten, like almost every lesson taught?
Though prayed to often enough, most calls are never returned.
Why only now does Clarity not so readily conceal herself?
Why now, when so redundantly comes enlightenment?
What frees you when finally it is belatedly revealed
that we survive not because of, rather in spite of it?
What sadness still awaits, being witnessed through the veil?
What hammering will forcibly reshape my spirit,
until again for the last time, circuits fail?
One lament left with only Lucifer able to hear it.
It is way past just being too enthusiastic of a cynic,
putting it mildly when remarking we are all doomed anyway.
This business of being alive is getting harder to mimic;
when the field will fail again is still too soon to say.
So; may the silence of the ether gather around you as you rest,
may the grudges you still have hold of be left behind.
May the ills of our world deem you unworthy of their test,
may the contours of your spirit remain well defined.
Let you be reminded over time that I am still your friend.
Let a sunbeam overwhelm shadowy thinking,
Let your world remain a beginning right up till the very end,
may your sanity cease to require so much tinkering.