
Life and Death

Death, something I sometimes fear

Death, something I sometimes want

Death, must be better than this here

Death, something that gives me daunt


I know, true in my heart, I deserve

Death, as my life I’ve screwed up

Maybe in hell the devil I should serve

For some girls I must have with a breakup


Death, something so desirable now

Death, I can’t see why people fear

Death, the answer to any broken vow

Death, it’s inevitable, and it’s always near


People need to know, that death is good

It’s the answer to all your problems

It’s basically your brotherhood

Or you have to travel more angstroms


Life, it may seem like glory and great

Life, it’s the place where you can be in pain

Life, it goes up and down, never straight

Life, it will never be the same


Too many people trying to rise to power

Everyone intent on money and fame

Some people can’t even take a shower

And when they die, no one feels the shame


Life, such a helpless state

Life, you could die anytime

Life, why not be prepared and accept your fate

Life, it’s full of loss, agony and crime


I hate to say it; we live in a terrible place

It’s falling apart as to power people climb

Everyone too focused on having a pretty face

It’s breaking to pieces; I’d rather face the end of my time