
Giant Hamsters!

Note from Fido:

Grouches, humourless, and un-eccentric people

Need not read this poem!

Though you can read it, if you\'re only slightly eccentric


Oh well, if ya want to believe

They are giant hamsters in my pic

I can\'t stop ya believing that!


Dang it! I told ya a thousand times

They are guinea pigs

If they\'re hamsters to you

They\'re giant mutant ones

Fido\'s gone mad barking

Trying to tell you too

That they\'re guinea pigs


Though a relative thought

Our real two guinea pigs

Were rats, and said

\'How\'s those rats in that cage?\' (lol)


Take ya pick

They can be anything ya like

I dunno - elephants, giraffes, bears, etc


Now you\'re being silly, I say to myself

Btu some of you made me do it

Saying they are hamsters!


Ohh, hyperbole, exaggeration, tall stories, etc!


I best post a hamster video for ya again

So ya know what they look like