Doggerel Dave

Screw Top.

The title above tells you the story;

It’s about an item in all our lives.

The first encounter is just so hoary -

Immovable, no matter how one strives.

Though please don’t get carried away - no knives.


Ok so now I’ve got that lever thing

And/or a backup with a rubber band;

(Instructions available – give me a ring)

Better than the knife; you’ve still got your hand.

Do message me and open every brand.


But a problem – closure and reopen:

This trouble I can really do without.

‘Mansplaining’ sometimes seen as misspoken,

But this is a problem for all no doubt;

Gendered advice is not what this is about:


Closure after is quite simple to do:

The top replacement should be backward, slow

Until settled position is felt by you,

Then forward clockwise will be all the go

With trouble free opening now you know….