

In the darkness of the night, 
A victim\'s silent fight, 
The pain and fear they bear, 
From the hands of one unfair. 

Their innocence ripped away, 
By someone who chose to betray, 
The scars run deep and wide, 
But they will not be denied. 

Through tears and anger, 
They will find their strength and linger, 
In the light of hope and healing, 
Their wounds slowly sealing. 

With support and love by their side, 
They will not have to hide, 
Their voice will be heard loud and clear, 
As they conquer their fear. 

Together we stand, 
To lend a helping hand, 
To those who have suffered so, 
They are not alone in their woe. 

Let us break the silence, 
And end the violence, 
Sexual assault trauma may be real, 
But together we can heal.