Dan Williams

Imaginary Hero

Another imaginary hero

while trying to part his sea of doubt

collides with his own fatal weakness

hidden by the subtle current,

and drowns,

climbs a mountain unaccompanied but unlike Moses

comes down empty handed.


Still seeking enlightenment,

memories buffeted by ignorance,

until blinded by ambition,

still startled by how frightened he is,

succumbs to interrupted sleep.


Collected though isolated thoughts,

sprawled across narrow passageways;

these pepper him in fearful dreams,

wake him confused and angry.

Inhibition neuropathy paralyzing;

letting doubt rage on in his brain.


Sorry now about past inhibitions,

yet shamed by forbidden behavior embraced.

Tries in vain to leave this labyrinth with no look back,

thus abandoning the only detailed excuse

he could conceivably use as defense.


For so long he had thought himself valiant,

articulate, speaking only as much as needed.

Clearheadedly fighting off disappointments,

immodestly careful of the missteps.

Yet, still stumbling along reality street,

turns and walks away.